One of my favorite things about winter are the cold snowy days when I don't have anywhere to go. When I can look out my window and admire the snow as I snuggle into my warm sweater, wrap a scarf around my neck, make a cup of tea, and grab a book. Winter hibernation is the best!!
It has been a pretty mild winter in my neck of the woods and while I have done lots of hibernating, there wasn't a lot of snow to behold. (Although winter isn't over yet, so there is still time). Snow or no snow, as February is drawing to a close, I am becoming a little anxious for Spring.
Truthfully, Spring is not my favorite season. I love the sunshine and the warm days but it's dirty and the Spring clean-up of the yard and gardens always makes me feel a little overwhelmed.
So today, instead of thinking of all the yard work on the horizon, I prefer to look back at February and share with you a few of my favorite things from the month.
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A Few of My Favorite Things
Beets are the perfect food for late winter/early spring. I made some refrigerator-pickled beets & garlic to add to salads. So yummy! I simply peeled and chopped beets into matchsticks, chopped a few cloves of garlic, and then covered them with pickle brine (brine recipe).
These beet pickles can be additionally flavored with some fresh dill and/or black peppercorns. Or skip the beets and pickle some other vegetable. Super simple and very flavorful!!!

I enjoy several YouTube channels, but one of my favorites is Farmhouse On Boone. A friend sent me a link to her video about sourdough and I have been hooked ever since. I have very little in common with Lisa Baas from the channel; she is younger with a ton of kids that she homeschools while she and her husband homestead. However, I love her voice, I love watching her cook dinner (even though I would never make these meals - meat!). I get a kick out of watching her make her home cozy, watching her and her kids doing chores around the farm, and watching her bake. I have found some good baking recipes and I love that she makes her own fermented foods. Check it out, it's a great channel.
My favorite read of February was Little Secrets by Jennifer Hillier. This twisty thriller kept me intrigued and annoyed when I had other obligations that kept me from reading. :-)

I made a ton of bread at the end of the month to freeze and enjoy for weeks to come. You can watch me make my artisanal bread HERE.
Do you read blogs? I found Zen Habits years ago when I first became interested in minimalism and simple living and I still love it. Every post makes me smile. I recently enjoyed this post.
Have you heard the term capsule wardrobe? I'm giving it a try, but honestly, I may have to pare it down a little more. Check it out HERE.
Make your Facebook Newsfeed a happy, calming place. FB is what you make of it. If you follow people and pages whose posts irritate you and stress you out, guess what you get? Irritation and stress! I unfollow anyone who posts stuff that tweaks my nerves and I follow people and pages that make me smile, laugh, and inspire me to improve. I have been loving this page!
If you enjoy my blog, please check out my YouTube channel, Holistic Wellness with Tracy. I am trying to grow my channel and every subscription, like, comment, and watch hour helps YouTube know people are interested in my content. Thank you for your continued support!
I hope you also had a wonderful February! Welcome March!
