Jun 27, 2023AyurvedaAyurveda Basics | The Seasonal Ayurvedic ClockAyurveda teaches us to live in rhythm with the daily clock, the seasonal clock, and our lifespan.
May 21, 2023AyurvedaAyurveda Basics | The Ayurvedic ClockEvery 12 hours we cycle through the 3 Dosha energies.
Apr 24, 2023AyurvedaAyurveda Basics | 5 Elements 3 DoshasAyurveda describes everything (including us) in terms of the 5 Elements and the 3 Doshas. Understanding this allows us to live in balance.
Mar 20, 2023AyurvedaSpring is Nature's New Year | Spring ResetIn nature, the New Year begins with Spring. Spring naturally brings with it the desire to be healthier and to live lighter.
Mar 13, 2023AyurvedaAyurveda Basics | 20 GunasOne of the first key concepts to understanding Ayurveda is the idea of the 20 gunas. A guna is simply a quality that has an opposite.