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12 Simple Healthy Habits

Living a healthy, happy, and balanced life doesn't have to be difficult. It simply takes a little focus, and some minor edits to slowly move in a healthier direction.

healthy habit tools such as dumbbells, veggies, water and measuring tape

We have all made New Year resolutions only to find that we just couldn't manage the grand new lifestyle that we resolved to live. As a matter of fact, almost all experts in habit change will tell you that the best way to change your lifestyle is with baby steps.

Below, you will find a list of 12 simple healthy habits you can begin to incorporate into your life. But please remember, each habit should be started slowly with baby steps. Then, once the tiny new habits are part of your daily rhythms, you can slowly add a little more, slowly build them up and by the end of the year you can be living that healthy, happy lifestyle you've been striving for. Slow and steady always wins the race.

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12 Simple Healthy Habits

#1 -GET ENOUGH SLEEP. Some of us function perfectly on only 7 hours of sleep, while others of us require 9. Move your bedtime 15 minutes earlier every week until you find your perfect amount of sleep. Then stick with that new bedtime as often as possible!

#2 - STRETCH EVERY DAY. You don't have to do a full yoga session, but at the very least incorporate some simple stretches into your day. Folding forward to touch or shins, feet or floor keeps the hamstrings loose. Be sure to add in some shoulder stretches, calf stretches, and some gentle twists as well. When the body is flexible we feel good.

#3 - EAT MORE VEGETABLES. We should aim to eat 3-5 servings of vegetables a day. The easiest way to do this is to make sure you have at least 1 (and sometimes 2) servings of vegetables with every meal. Add in a serving of fruit juice and a piece of fruit as a snack and you will be feeling awesome!

#4 - WALK DAILY. Many of us are too busy to spend time at the gym every day. Plus getting there takes too much time, and the treadmill is boring. Instead, begin to incorporate a walking routine into your day. Start small. Even a 5-minute walk at lunch can improve your mood. Then slowly increase until you are walking 20-30 minutes on most days.

#5 - PRACTICE GRATITUDE. This can be simply taking 1 minute when you wake up in the morning or right before you go to bed to think about what you are grateful for, Or, if you want something a little more substantial, start a gratitude journal. Taking a moment every day to appreciate all you have to be grateful for has an immense effect on our overall happiness.

#6 - DECLUTTER. We all have areas in our homes or offices that are too cluttered and cause us stress every time we have to deal with them. Maybe it's your overflowing closet, your messy junk drawer, or the dining room table covered in clutter. Identify the areas that bug you the most and schedule some time to clean them up. I don't just mean buy bins to organize your clutter, because that doesn't work. You have to get rid of the clutter. Throw it out or give it away, but get the clutter out of your space. Check out this POST.

#7 - WEIGHT TRAIN. Again, you don't have to spend hours at the gym. Start with your body weight - do squats, lunges, push-ups, and sit-ups. Then maybe pick up some dumbbells. A small amount of weight training can help keep your muscles strong and toned.

#8 - HYDRATE. We have all heard that 8 glasses of water a day keeps us hydrated. Some of us need more and some need less. If you struggle to stay hydrated, add in a couple of simple habits to ensure you get enough H2O. Start your day by guzzling 16 oz of water. Fill a 20oz water bottle and finish it before lunch. Fill it again and finish it before dinner. Just these small habits have you well on your way to being hydrated.

#9 - CLEAN UP YOUR PLATE. I don't mean eat everything on your plate, I mean clean up what you are putting on your plate. Stop eating fast foods, processed foods, and sugary snacks. Instead, make your own meals from whole foods. If you need some inspiration for some simple but healthy meals, poke around my other blog posts or check out my YouTube Channel.

#10 - LEARN SOMETHING NEW. Even if we do everything right for our bodies, we won't feel healthy and fulfilled unless we are doing something with our minds. For many this is learning something new every now and then, for others, it's finding time for our favorite hobbies (or finding new ones).

#11 - STAY CONNECTED. Never underestimate the importance of having a healthy social community. Having a support system is super important when things go wrong in life, but it's also important to have people you can talk with, laugh with, and celebrate with. Plus, when you provide support to a friend or a family member it can give you a sense of purpose and a feeling of well-being. Schedule time to connect with friends or brainstorm ways to meet new people.

#12 - MEDITATE. While this is last on my list, that doesn't mean it's the least important. Many might argue that this is actually one of the best things you can do for your personal well-being because meditation supports your body, mind, heart, and soul. The most simple instruction I have ever seen on how to meditate was this - Breathe, Relax, and Pay Attention. Simply watch your breath as it enters and leaves your body. Start with 1 minute and slowly increase. If guided meditation sounds good, you can find free ones HERE, or just type guided meditation into the Google search bar and see what comes up.

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