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Herb Spotlight - Rosemary

So many of our culinary herbs have a ton of herbal value in addition to their delicious flavors. Today, I want to talk about Rosemary.

The Taste

Rosemary has a strong, pungent, piney taste. Because the flavor is so strong, rosemary is best served with other strongly flavored foods or very bland foods. Keep this in mind when using it, as it can easily overpower light, delicate flavors. Use it sparingly if you are unfamiliar with it.

Rosemary is very commonly used in French and Italian dishes, along with some Greek cuisine as well. Even if you have never cooked with it, you have likely tasted it at some point.

Common Rosemary Dishes

Rosemary is often used with meat dishes like lamb, steak, coq au vin, and even sea bass. Rosemary pairs well with a variety of vegetables, so you often find it a potato dishes, as well as ratatouille, lasagna, and bolognese. The pungent flavor of rosemary also pairs well with garlic and parmesan and is often found mixed into garlic bread and focaccia. I like to make a rosemary-flavored oil (simply cover dried rosemary in oil and let it sit for a few weeks) to use in salad dressings or to sauté vegetables or fish.

rosemary focaccia

Herbal Benefits

In addition to its wonderful flavor, rosemary has a ton of herbal benefits. Many herbalists use rosemary for headaches, dry skin, cough, and even anxiety and depression. It can be used aromatically to increase focus and memory.

Many studies have been done that show rosemary has anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-apoptotic, anti-tumorigenic, and antinociceptive qualities. This means ingesting rosemary may help prevent aging, infection, cancer, and pain. To learn more, check out this article -

I Talk About Rosemary Here

More Is Not Better

We often think that culinary herbs are safe to ingest in large quantities, but that is not the case. Rosemary, and many other herbs, can have negative effects if taken in large amounts. Large amounts of rosemary can irritate your digestive system, causing irritation and vomiting. It can cause seizures, miscarriage, and excessive menstrual bleeding if taken in large enough amounts. Therefore, I would never recommend taking rosemary in capsule form.

However, simply cooking with rosemary, using it in tea, or simmering it in a simmer pot can benefit your health. In my opinion, it is always best to think of our food as our medicine. Cook with it, and enjoy it, but think twice before taking it in larger amounts than what you would typically eat.


The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment. Please consult your medical care provider before using herbal medicine, particularly if you have a known medical condition or if you are pregnant or nursing. The information provided should not be considered health advice. You are responsible for consulting a medical professional before implementing a new herb or herbal remedy.

Allergic reactions can occur and can be serious. If you are struggling to breathe, seek medical attention immediately.

Energetic Qualities

All of nature's gifts have qualities that can be used in traditional celebrations, setting intentions, etc. Rosemary is an herb of remembrance, which means that it is often used to honor loved ones who have passed away and is often used as a symbol of death and mourning.

Rosemary is also considered a protective herb, often planted near the entrance of a home or braided into wreaths hanging on the door or entranceway. This protective energy also means rosemary can be used in place of sage to smudge and cleanse a space.

sprigs of rosemary on a small wooden cutting board

A Few Recipes For Inspiration

I rarely follow a recipe verbatim, but I love to look at recipes for inspiration. Here are a few recipes that use rosemary. I hope they inspire you to add this delicious herb to your meals.

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