Chamomile is my most used, most recommended, and most loved herb! I use it in herbal tea blends, homemade skincare items, and a lot of my herbal remedies! Why? Because it is one of the most versatile herbs I know of and it's so easy to obtain.

Which Chamomile Do I Use?
There are two types of Chamomile (okay, that's a lie). There are actually several, but these two are the ones that are typically used for teas and herbal remedies.
Matricaria chamomilla - commonly referred to as German Chamomile
Chamaemelum nobile - commonly referred to as Roman or English Chamomile
Out of these two, German chamomile is most commonly used in herbal remedies. However, if all you can find is Roman chamomile, that will work too.
I Talk About Chamomile Here
Herbal Benefits
Chamomile is considered a tonic herb because it supports so many (if not all) of the bodily systems. For this very reason, I have often heard Chamomile referred to as a "cure-all" herb. In addition to it's gentle and effective herbal power, it also tastes great!
Let's take a closer look at the benefits by each body system/function:
Skin - Chamomile decreases inflammation and redness making it perfect for many chronic skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis and acute issues like sunburn, scrapes, and scratches. If you have blotchy coloration or undereye circles, skin care products made with chamomile might help. Chamomile is also an antioxidant, which means it can help reduce the signs of aging. For all of these reasons, chamomile can be included in face wash, toner, and moisturizers.
Digestion - The calming, soothing energy of chamomile is not only great for your skin, but it helps keep your digestive system in check as well. Chamomile is considered a digestive relaxant. It calms issues such as nausea, indigestion, acid reflux, diarrhea, and gas. Combine chamomile with a little fresh ginger for simple tea that combats everything from indigestion to motion sickness.
Respiratory & Immunity - Chamomile has anti-asthmatic and antimicrobial qualities that make it great for treating cold & flu symptoms. Chamomile helps thin mucous, soothes sore throats, and helps the body fight off infections.
Nervous System - Chamomile soothes nerves, calms anxiety, and helps promote good sleep. Who can't use that?
The Taste
I find that describing how something tastes can be fairly difficult. To me, chamomile tastes a little bit like dried grass crossed with an apple. I used Google, trying to see how other people describe it. Apple-ish seems to be a common descriptor. Keep in mind the "ish" is very important, as chamomile does not taste just like an apple. I also saw it described as having a honey-like sweetness. I can get on board with that description, even though I would not actually consider it sweet.
I would love to hear how you describe the taste. Please share your description in the comments!
How To Use Chamomile
The number one way to use chamomile is to enjoy it as an herbal tea. Chamomile is delicious on its own but it also pairs well with some other common herbs.
Lavender - great for stress, headaches and sleep
Ginger - soothes nausea and is warming
Lemon - some added vit C when you're under the weather
Fresh Basil - promotes appetite and decreases intestinal gas
Peppermint - eases headaches (avoid if you suffer from acid reflux)
Create an herbal bath. You can learn more about it HERE.
Use chamomile to create homemade skincare products like face wash or toner.
Side Effects and Quantity
Overall, chamomile is considered a very safe herb. However, there are a few things to note.
Some people are allergic to chamomile. Whenever trying any new food or herb, you should be aware that an allergic reaction is possible and can be serious. There does seem to be a correlation between ragweed allergies and chamomile allergies. If you are allergic to ragweed, you may be more likely to be allergic to chamomile.
Even though chamomile is considered a gentle herb, you do have to use some common sense. Don't overdo it. Drinking 1-2 cups of chamomile tea is good if you're using it as a daily tonic tea. If you are suffering from digestive issues or high levels of stress, add in a couple more.
If you are taking chamomile as a tincture or in capsule form (not my favorite for this herb), be sure to consult the labeling or discuss dosing with your doctor or herbalist. More is rarely better and too much of a good thing is simply too much.
Also, even though we think of chamomile as very safe, it can interfere with certain prescriptions and over-the-counter drugs and caution should be used if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Consult your doctor if you are on medications or have an existing medical condition.
The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment. Please consult your medical care provider before using herbal medicine, particularly if you have a known medical condition or if you are pregnant or nursing. The information provided should not be considered health advice. You are responsible for consulting a medical professional before implementing a new herb or herbal remedy.
Allergic reactions can occur and can be serious. If you are struggling to breathe, seek medical attention immediately.
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