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Decorate Your Yard with Bird Seed Ornaments

My computer desk faces a window that overlooks our backyard. I love working here, watching the birds flit around the bird feeder. That got me thinking about something I remember making as a kid: birdseed ornaments.

This is an easy project to complete. You can gift these to a fellow bird watcher or use them to decorate your own yard.

round birdseed ornament hanging on a bush

Watch Me Make Them

The Recipe

2 packages of unflavored gelatin

1/2 cup hot water

2 cups of good birdseed

several cookie cutters, simple shapes

oil to coat cookie cutters

cookie sheet and parchment paper

chopstick or skewer

string or ribbon

Line the cookie sheet with parchment paper. Oil the cookie cutter well, and place then on the cookie sheet. Set aside.

Heat the water to an almost boil. In a large bowl, dissolve gelatin in the water. Whisk until completely dissolved. Add in the birdseed and stir until well coated.

Scoop the seed mixture into the cookie cutters and spend a good amount of time pressing the seed mixture firmly into the cutter. Use a chopstick or a skewer to create a hole to later add a string or ribbon to use for hanging the ornament.

Refrigerate for at least 2 hours or overnight to completely setup.

Gently push the ornament out if the cookie cutters and add the string.

birdseed, gelatin, cookie cutters on a wooded cutting board

Hanging The Ornaments

I have one ornament hanging on a hook near my birdfeeder. I have a broken one in a suet cage. I have two more hanging on an evergreen bush. Hang them wherever the birds are!

If you get a real Christmas tree, turn it into a bird sanctuary after the holiday is over. Instead of tossing the tree out to the curb to be picked up by the garbage company, instead, place it in the backyard as a bird shelter. Decorate it with birdseed ornaments and garlands made of popcorn and berries.

The birds will love it and it will look beautiful too!

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pinterest graphic showing a birdseed ornament on a bush



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